Wibako Sp. z o.o.
Wibako company offers a genuine components and parts obtained from the removal of construction equipment and from trusted suppliers of new OEM parts. Our used parts can be a great alternative for new and expensive-sometimes exceeding the value of the whole machine-parts. Parts offered by us are the perfect solution to provide one hundred percent functionality of a machine for a long time. Our parts are available from stock, so do not waste your time for searching, and the machines can operate without unscheduled brakes in work. Used original part will work longer and more efficiently than dubious quality replacements and installing original parts you can be sure it will not damage machine. Our offer is divided into main sections HYDRAULICS hydraulic motors pumps valves actuators (cylinders) DIESEL ENGINES new engines engines used reconditioned (after renovation) DIESEL ENGINE PARTS engine blocks crankshafts and camshafts complete cylinderheads elements: water and oil coolers, oil pumps, water, alternators, starters, manifolds, pulleys, housings, pan, oil pump, water, stepper motors parts: a timing-keyboard, strings valves COUPLINGS AND CLUTCHES FOR CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY New and used clutches and couplings originals and replacements We invite you to familiarize yourself with our range of parts and machines. By using the search engine or products made available on the left menu. Did not find the wanted section? If you have any questions, please contact us through our contact form or directly by phone: +48 33 483 20 22, and our sales team will try to help!